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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Shakespearean Sonnet #11 Dog Gone?

Here is a little something to get all of the crazy PETA people who care about animals more than humans all hot and bothered.

People from around the world eat different food
Some things are strange and exotic to us
And some, if eaten here, would start and all out feud.
Some folks would protest and others would cuss.

When eating Chinese food many often joke
What on earth is this mystery meat?
And it is cultural so don't judge these folk
Because they'll eat all of Fido, even his feet.

There is hard boiled dog, dog spring rolls and stir fry
Dog meat steamed buns and dog jerky.
But try to understand before you vilify
Because they might think it's weird that we eat turkey.

It is easy to judge those things that make you uneasy
But I have to admit, the thought of eating dog still makes me queasy.

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